Sunday, February 12, 2012

All About Abbie

I decided that I wanted to interview members of my family and some friends (if I can get cooperation)  for my blog...and Abbie volunteered to go first!  Brave girl!  But first, I want to share a little bit about her!

Having Abbie has really changed my life!  She has tested me like no one else and continues to test me daily!  Just the other day she wrote a letter to me asking why she has to clean her room when I don't always keep mine clean.  She expressed her disappointment with me and Darren and how we do or don't do certain things.  Then after a page of complaints, puts and arrow to turn the page over.  And on the back there is a huge heart and the words..."But I STILL LOVE YOU!" 

If that isn't me getting a taste of my own medicine, I don't know what is!  And the  hardest thing about it?  Most of what she said was right!  The part where she said all I do is sit at home all day and watch TV and play on the computer and do what I want, kinda ticked me off a little...I wish!  But I appreciate her honesty and courage...even if she put me in my place!  Gotta love a strong, opinionated girl!  I guess I have taught her I had better watch out!

And then yesterday, she brings a little creative project she had made...listing everything she loves and is thankful for...I want to share it with you!  The girl, strong and opinionated as she is, has a huge heart and is full of compassion!

This is her family, my friends, God, Jesus, Mary, spring, summer, teachers, school, food, houses, iPads, iPods, puppies, dogs, TV, singers, actors, animals, art, colors, paper, pencils, flowers, cups, water, sand, clothing...I am THANKFUL FOR ALL THINGS!!!!!

So, here is the interview!

How old are you? 8...almost 9!
What grade are you in? 3rd grade

We'll start out with favorites...
Color...lime green
Book...Abbie's ABC Book (a book I made her with photos I took of all the important people in her life!)
Movie...Annie, well no, Grown Ups...yeah,  and Parent Trap...

Food...Apples & Peanut Butter...and Strawberries...not together!
TV Show...Good Luck Charlie
Game...Bubble Talk
Place to Visit...Florida

With Aunt Maggie on Sanibel Island!

With Aunt Maggie on Pine Island, FL!

Parent...Just kidding!!!  I tried!  She was good...she said "both"
Clothing...My abercrombie shorts
Actor...Mia Talerico on Good Luck Charlie and Vanessa Hudgens
Singer...Carrie Underwood

Dressed as Carrie Underwood for Halloween!

Team...St. Louis Cardinals

Sport to play...Volleyball

Gift ever...

Meal...lettuce, chicken nuggets, and an orange
Resturant...Yen Ching
Subject in school...Grammer
Song...Temporary Home and It Girl
Teacher....Mrs. Ladd

Mrs. Ladd...Abbie's idol!

Memory... When me and Kynlee meet...(which was when they were she can't possibly remember).  And when we went to the the spa for her birthday! 

Birthday memory....When I had my birthday party at the flower shop! (Whalen's West Side Floral)  I LOVE Teri!!!

Vacation....Going to Michigan every summer and staying with Coach Slagell!

Best Advice from Mom...To NOT worry about tests! (this is my most recent advice...not the best?)

Best Advice from listen to him!

Best Advice from Mrs. NOT worry about ISATS!

Who do you admire most and why?  Mrs. Ladd, because she is a teacher and she is really nice, she is so skinny and she is organized!  And I want to be a teacher like her when I grow up!

What do you want to be when you grow up?  I want to be a Kindergarten or 1st grade teacher because they have more of the fun stuff.. they don't have to teach as much!  (Not sure about that, but I'm not arguing!)

Where so you want to go to college?  somewhere in Hawaii  (that's my girl!)

Where do you want to live when you grow up?  Well, Sanibel Island, FL! (OH YEAH!!!)

What do you think is the most important thing I try to teach stay healthy and not be like you when I grow up!  But I don't believe that you are fat!   ( See my recent post on Body image)

Most important thing for work hard and choose the right thing!

What trait are you happy you got from me?  To be nice and take care of others...even if you don't like them!
What trait are you mad you got from me?  SHORTNESS!

What trait are you happy you got from Dad?  That I am organized and neat.

What trait are you mad you got from Dad?  Getting mad easily!

Do you look like a celebrity? Yes  Who? Carrie Underwood (....hmmmm??)

What's your best talent? Running and playing volleyball

What do you LOVE?  Volleyball and family!

Can I live with you when I'm old? NO! Because I'm gonna live be myself!  (well, I'll be visiting Sanibel Island frequently!)

Will you get married? No

What do I do that embarrasses you?  Sing and dance...there probably is more but I can't think of it!

What does Dad do that embarrasses you?  Acts goofy around my friends!

Who is gonna buy me a house on the beach?  Bart and Dad!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Hanging out with Kynlee and playing volleyball in the backyard.

Do you have a boyfriend? NO!

Anything else that you want to share?   Who are my best friends? Kynlee & Kami.

Kynlee & Abbie

Abbie & Kami

Anything else?  Nope!

Sweet, with a whole lotta Sass... I think I am doing something right! And I look forward to watching her grow and sharing in all the ups and downs that goes with being a girl!  I'm so thankful God gave her to me!  He knew I needed someone to keep me in line!

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