Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mother of The Year???

Mother of the Year...I was nowhere near getting that award last week.  I debated telling you all such honest, negative things about myself already, with this only being my second post...but I thought, "what the heck, they are gonna find out sooner or later anyway"!  Right? 

I don't know if I can remember all of my mistakes from the last week...but I can recall a few!
I have been known to forget things every now and then...ok, since I'm being honest, I should say daily!  My friends and family are very kind to offer suggestions to help me remember.  We have a big white board calendar by the back door, that Darren faithfully fills up every month with all we need to do!  Problem with that is, I have to actually READ the info on it...NOT just GLANCE at it as I walk by. I have a little trouble with things not "registering" when I read them!  (THE gas tank being on EMPTY is one of the main things that does not seem to register when i glance at it! And that is NOT good!) Which leads to the first mistake...missing Abbie's basketball practice Thursday.  Now, I know what you're thinking..she is only 8, no big deal.  Problem is...I HELP coach! So, yes, put a big "L" on my forehead...I am a loser!  Poor girl missed three of her practices...2 of them because I FORGOT!
Another "friendly suggestion" I get is to set the alarm on my cell phone.  Believe it or not, I do know how to do just that!  I have several alarm times set..one for 4:20am for the days I teach Body Pump, one for 4:33am as a back up for the 4:20am in case I hit off and fall back to sleep,  one for 7:00am for Sunday's that I can actually sleep in, one for 6:25am for Tuesday and Thursday if I don't want to exercise in the morning, one for 5:20am for the days I do want to exercise with my lovely neighbor, Lorrie. I also have  one for 11:30pm and I HAVE NO CLUE as to why I would need that! And last but not least, I have one set to go off DAILY at 2:45pm as a reminder to pick up my kids from school!  That 2:45 alarm has been set for to go off daily for 2 years...since I worked at Whalen's and would get so into making arrangements that I would forget to leave at 3:00.  So, Teri told me to set an alarm to signal to me to stop, clean up and go get kids!  THANKS to Teri that has worked great for quite a while now! 

Do you see where this is headed???  I thought so! 

Yes, on Friday, I came home from work in the afternoon and was attempting to clean up the house a little. HONEST, I really was!  However, the new puppy (aka: small furry devil) was attacking the broom and going crazy, so I decided to sit down with him and get him to calm down.  The time was 2:30.  That's the last thing I remember...until I jumped from my sleep and looked at my phone in horror as I see the numbers 3:12!!!  NOT GOOD! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY TRUSTY 2:45 ALARM???  I ran to the van, called the school, I'm sure making no sense to Susan, as I am wiping the slobber off of my face, trying to explain that I fell asleep, blah, blah, blah...Anyway, I get to the school about 3:17.  Had to run in and explain to Mrs. Ladd why I am late...and apologize over and over, because this is the 3rd day this week that I was LATE! (yes, you read that correctly...the 3rd time in one week!) Not this late but I was late! Then I rush across town to go pick up Brett...it is now 3:25, no cars, no crossing guard, no bus, no other children...just Brett standing there FREEZING...mad as hornet! At least, I didn't have to explain to his teacher and be embarrassed all over again! 
And did I mention that Abbie was having a friend spend the night?  Up the embarrassment level once more! 
And then the kids get to tell Darren...who already thinks that I nap each day!!  I don't!!  I promise!!!

So, this morning, on the way to school, Brett says, "MOM, PLEASE DON'T TAKE A NAP TODAY AND FORGET ME!!"  to which Abbie says, "YEAH, MOM!!!"  Nice, real nice!

Hey, it wasn't my fault...I want to know who turned off that alarm...I think i was set up! Don't you?

So, there you have it...I admit it...I am not and probably NEVER will be "Mother of the Year"!  However, I DO LOVE MY CHILDREN and I am lots of fun...just a bit of a "fly by the seat of my pants" kinda gal! 
It's 2:17pm...and a nap sure sounds good!


Amy Hatfield said...

Oh amber you are just the product of being a very busy mom. I remember years ago, Jordan was in jr. high, he called to be picked up. I was heading to the ball diamond at the park. Drove right past the school and didn't even think about him until after the game was over, Travis said get the kids and head home. I was looking for them but no Jordan. He had walked home and not said a word about it. So if you ask any mom we have all had our moment in forgetting a kid, taking a much needed nap or just all in all trying to have a mom moment to take a breath.

Amber said...

Thanks Amy! That's funny!!!