Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tag...I'm it!

My blog-friend Janie tagged I am playing along...but I don't have 11 blogger friends to tag, so I am gonna tag some friends that had better (that means MUST) post their answers under comments or else....this should be fun and/or embarrassing! 
1. post the rules.
2.  post eleven fun facts about yourself
3.  answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
4.  tag eleven people and link them on your post
5. let them know you’ve tagged them
Here goes:
Eleven Fun Facts About Me:
1. I love to sing...I dream about singing...on stage while dancing like Madonna...she is my idol!  Problem is...I am HORRIBLE!!!
2. I love musicals...I also want to dance and sing on Broadway...I would like to be "Sandy" in Grease,  "Belle" in Beauty and The Beast, "Tracy" in Hairspray, "Annie" in Annie or anyone one of the women in Mama Mia!
3. I played volleyball in college and in my mind I still can play just like I used to...however, when I play it doesn't seem to go so well!  My body does NOT seem to get the memos from my brain!
4. I was on The Oprah Winfrey was taped on my birthday, April 29 in 2010.  I embarrassed myself in front of Oprah and the world!  Why, oh why, did I have to start crying??? And why on earth would they post this awful photo on the website for the world to see?  Exactly how many chins do you count???
4. I love to play wiffle ball...I think I will be playing when I am eighty! Wanna know the problem with this?  When I run and laugh at the same time, I tend to pee down my leg! Yes, sad, but true!
5. I am far too short for my weight!  I blame my grandmothers Hazel & Lois for this!
6. As my friend Theresa pointed out to me recently, I am addicted to quotes...sayings...and I have them all over my house!  I love them!  I'll share one of my favs with ya...
7. I love to have people over...I would be happy with a house full of kids...or a house full of my just makes me so happy!  And no matter how late it is, I am always sad when they leave! I try not to show it but I just want to grab them and squeeze them and make them stay!
8. I don't like to be touched when you're sitting by someone and your legs bump...or your arms touch...GROSS!
9. However, I do love to HUG!!!  It is hard for me to not hug people when I see them but I feel like I have to hold back...people might think I am crazy!  I just want to squeeze people that I care about!  I think I might make a rule at my house that you have to hug me upon arrival and departure...maybe that would make the leaving easier?? Doubt it.
10.  I still wish I could belch like my best friend, Joni!  She is amazing!  I can recall many days drinking pop & eating Doritos...and having burping contests.  Don't think I ever won!  That Joni, she is one talented gal!
11. I LOVE to shop and I LOVE clothes...I tell Darren that it's a good thing I'm chubby...otherwise he would be B-R-O-K-E!  My kids tell me to STOP buying them clothes...really??  Who says that??

Now to answer the questions...

1. Who is your favorite singer/music group?
Madonna, Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Trisha Yearwood, Janet Jackson, Sugarland, I love so many, I can't pick one!  Music calms me and makes me dance...if it is on I can't sit still!
2.  Do you have a favorite game to play on the computer/tablet/iPad/iPod?  If so, what is it?'s called "online shopping"!
3. What is your favorite movie?
What About Bob, Tommy Boy, Pretty Woman, The Hangover, Bridesmaids, The Help, A Time to Kill...don't watch movies very often...only at theatre where I can't get distracted easily!

4.  How long did you know your spouse when you got married?  If you're not married, what is the longest  you have seen someone?
We were in the same class all through school...I remember him from 4th grade on...he was my "boyfriend" in 8th grade...we were high school sweethearts, so we dated since we were 15.

5.  Were you involved in music in high school/college?
Does singing loudly on the volleyball van while everyone else was sleep count?  If so, then yes!

6.  What special group were you involved in during high school/college?
The volleyball team...Twin City Club, Shelbyville High School and at Millikin University

7.  When you're all alone, what do you like to eat for dinner?
 I scrounge for whatever looks good. I never cook for myself.  But cheese always is a winner with me!

8.  Left or right handed?
9.  How tall are you?
5'2" on my long leg!
10.  What is your favorite pair of shoes?
Right now, my leopard print flats...just bought my second pair because I wore out the first pair!

11. How long hav
e you lived in your house/apartment/condo?
4 years at this house.
 Questions from Tiffani:
Nice just realized I was answering the wrong questions...oh well...I'll just keep going now!
1. favorite color
right now...turquoise & red...I have no clue if that is spelled right!

2. dream vacation
I want to take my family to Hawaii or somewhere tropical...I LOVE the beach & ocean!

3. are you a hugger or not

4. what do you want to be when you grow up
-A Solid Gold Dancer
-Wish I would have got my Masters in Counseling instead of Family Services!  I would love to be a school guidance counselor!  I love kids and would love to work with them daily!
-tall & thin...yes, I am very unrealistic, I know!

5. when you eat out do you usually order dessert
Almost never...I would rather have some more taters or cheese or bread!

6. what is your favorite indoor/outdoor activity
Shopping for bargains...playing volleyball...reading...hard to choose

7. what is your favorite day of the week
Sunday...least busy day of the week and usually everyone is home!


8. what was your favorite food as a child?
Tacos & Doritos

9. what is something you learned this last week
I need a back up alarm for my 2:45 alarm!

10. if you could change your first name what would you change it to?
Not sure...Allie maybe

11. do you have a nickname
Sis or family calls me that, especially my dad and brother

Now Questions from Janie...the ones I was supposed to answer...I am an over acheiver!

1. Favorite chipmunk...Alvin, Simon, or Theodore?

2. Plastic tubs or cardboard boxes?
BOTH...I have lots of treasures!

3.  What's your best suggestion for a gag gift?
 Anything from Plaza Boutique...I bought several there this year!

4. Who is your favorite author?

5. Do you have a lucky number/letter?
Not really..6 was my volleyball number but not sure it is lucky!

6. What would your brother/sister say is your best quality?
He would say I have no good qualities!  Not sure, I'll have to ask him!  I can tell you his...he is very GIVING!

7. Do you paint your toenails in the winter?

8. How old were you when you had your first date?
Prob 14

9. If you were in the Miss USA contest what would be your talent?

10. Are a you a lover or a fighter?
Lover...that loves to argue!  I can agree to disagree!

11. Kardashians...friend or foe?
Friends...they are ridiculous...they are crude and make me laugh...I think we would get along just fine.  Especially if they shared their make up artist with me!

                           Now, my questions for the ones I tag...

1. Who is your favorite Real Housewife??  Please tell me you watch at least one of them!
2. If you went to college where and what did you study?  If you didn't, where do you wish you would have gone?  Would you do something different now?
3. What would be your dream day?
4. What person would you most like to interview and why?
5. How many kids did you say you wanted when you were growing up? How many do you have?
6. Who do you miss the most?
7.  What is the best gift you have been given?
8. Have you ever done a random act of kindness?  What was it?  Don't you think we should all do one today? I do!
9. Who is your favorite living celebrity?
10.  What is one thing you would change about ME (amber) if you could?  Be Honest!  And one thing you would like to change about yourself?
11. What is the first thing you notice about people?

Who am I tagging?  You can post your answers in comments section under blog or on your facebook page as a note and tag me...I would love to see them!  Please cooperate girls!  All you have to do is answer the 11 questions above!

1. Janie Fox
2. Vonda McConnell "I'm not the only one!"
3. Di Winson No link to her blog...just to FB
4. Julia Boyd
5. Joni Biddle
6. Beth White
7. Theresa Clark
8. Cristy Pullen
9. Jennifer Crowder
10. Lois Williams
11. Teri Whalen
12. Jamie McDonald
13. Tonya Kern-Honea
14. Tara Crews
15. Tonya Lynch
16 Wendy trimble

So I can't count...I figure the more I list the better chance I had at getting someone to play along!


Amber said...

Any of you readers are welcome to answers the questions and post them here...on your Facebook...or if you are shy and private(like me LOL) you can message me your answers!

Joni said...

Who knew my obnoxious talent would make such an impact on you!! And yes, I can still do it!! :)
P.S. I still love that picture of you crying at Oprah!